When We were Children
We had a fun childhood.
We played with sand instead of videogames,
We had the monkey post instead of FIFA,
We had story books instead of Disney.
When we were Children,
Our imagination was at its peak,
We played with the frogs and insects,
We appreciated nature.
When we were Children,
We made sand food and sedimentary rock drinks,
We made clay animals and directed little plays
Featuring bratz dolls and other action figures.
Our dog would take us on fast walks
She was a lot stronger than three little children
So she would take the lead running
And we would hold onto her leash tightly,running behind her.
We rode our scooters all around the estate
Always forgetting to lock the doors
Not knowing what awaited us
If mom came home before we got back.
Every Nigerian knows how the story always ended
We are still young at heart
Our minds are still filled with imagination
We still have our childhood battle scars
And they made our adventures interesting.
Now we slowly disperse
And we take our different paths
But we’ll always have the best memories
From when we were children.