Dancing With The Father
Jan 31, 2022
Since the day of my birth,
In this place called earth,
I found great things, attainable,
But true peace, not sustainable.
So I joined the Father’s herd,
and accepted His love.
Though His ways seemed weird,
I chose to follow like a dove.
So, I danced with the father,
Took every step without a blink,
Flowed with every beat,
And imitated till we were in sync.
So, I dance with the father.
His routines are the best.
I know I’ll always be first,
Even when I’m put to the test.
So, I’ll dance with the father
Till I breathe my last.
His directions are clear,
So I’ll never be lost.
~ by Esther Ohifumere Adeoye
Inspired by the Holy Spirit