Beneath the Layers

With every new year came a new layer.
With every sad experience came a new secret.
Her many secrets were safely guarded from the world,
Because she knew they would judge her.
She never let anyone close,
Because they always appeared like angels.
Oh so holy, Angels.
But the moment her guard was down,
They would rip her to shreds and throw her away like a filthy rag.
He seems different though.
They all said they were "different",
But His consistency has never wavered.
Regardless of the many times she’s pushed him away, He has always come back running.
Arms open, Heart set, Eyes focused on her.
His love finally breaks through her walls and reaches her heart.
And he says, "Talk to me and I’ll listen."
"Tell me the memories that trouble you,
The thoughts that haunt you,
The secrets that enslave you,
And I wouldn’t judge you"
This was all she ever wanted.
Someone who would sense her pain,
Look beyond her walls and defences,
And see a broken little girl in need of love, security and assurance.
With tear filled eyes, she asks,
"When you finally see what's beneath the layers of the onion, would you cry with it?
Or would you throw it away?"
"I will heal what was broken
And make new what was old."
"I will replace all that was lost and
Turn all sorrows to Joy"
His words went straight to her heart
And she knew He would do what He had said.
Because, He was in fact,
The Great I AM.